Month: October 2022

Somalia’s Successful Mass Literacy Campaign of 1973-1975.


The revolutionary socialist government of the Somali Democratic Republic took power on October...
Read More Read More: Somalia’s Successful Mass Literacy Campaign of 1973-1975.

The 21st October Revolution; Somalia’s Turn!


On October 21st, 1969, Somalia experienced an incident that would change the course of its history forever. Following years of widespread...
Read More Read More: The 21st October Revolution; Somalia’s Turn!

The Women’s Rights Movement in Somalia


By Nura Ahmed The names Almas Elman, Amina Mohamed Abdi, Ikran Tahilil, and Hodan Nalayeh. These were some of the many women who had dreams...
Read More Read More: The Women’s Rights Movement in Somalia

Dissolving Anti-Corruption Commission is Dangerous & Ill-advised!


Suldan Mohamed On the 9th of October, Villa Somalia released a statement in which it outlined...
Read More Read More: Dissolving Anti-Corruption Commission is Dangerous & Ill-advised!

The 73rd Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in Somalia


The Daily Jubba’s Mustafa Ashaari attended the Online Reception of the Chinese Embassy in Mogadishu on the 73rd National Day of the...
Read More Read More: The 73rd Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in Somalia
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