
The Success Story of the Minneapolis Somali Museum


Abdi Mohamud Osman Ali, a Somali restaurateur, in Minneapolis started collecting Somali artefact...
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The Biggest Lie Ever Told; Somali soldiers perished fighting in Tigray!


Suldan Mohamed Mogadishu, Somalia Finally, after over a year of fake news reports by outlets such as Reuters and a discredited UN report...
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Which is the next Independent Institution to be Disbanded?


In another reshuffle of the upper echelons of the Somali state, President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud disbands yet another series independent...
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My Empty Apartment; Mogadishu’s Dreadful Housing Problems


Ahmed Jeeyte The Day I Found Myself in a Dark Room with No Running Water October 4th 2021,...
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Severe Droughts in Somalia amid Climate Change


Suldan Mohamed As the waters evaporate due to the sizzling heat of the sun, so have the hopes and dreams of hundreds of thousands of...
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15 Dead in Beledweyne As Violence Surges in Election Season.


At least 15 people were killed after 2 suicide bombers detonated explosive vests. Amina Mohamed Abdi, a female lawmaker in the Somali...
Read More Read More: 15 Dead in Beledweyne As Violence Surges in Election Season.

The Jubba River is drying up at an alarming rate!


The Jubba River (wabiga jubba) is one of the 2 major rivers in southern Somalia that flows through the Somali Federal...
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AMISOM, as we know it, enters its final month


The AU Mission in Somalia, which was first authorized by the African union Peace & Security Council to be then mandated by the United...
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Insecurity worsens as elections enter final round


credits- AP 2016 At least 15 people were killed in Baledweyne, Hiraan in central Somalia on...
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