Minneapolis Somalis; Opportunities and Challenges.


Abdi Mohamud I visited Minneapolis the first week of July 2022 to witness the annual Somali...
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Appointing Robow to be a Minister is Repulsive!


Jamal Abdulahi, Immediately after Hassan Sheikh Mohamed returned to Villa Somalia as President, a few loud voices started calling him to...
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Qabiil tax in Somali “academia”


Understanding the Qabiil Tax phenomenon among the Somali Intelligentsia; In the last century, most of the academic research and scholarly...
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Baxsan; the most decorated and celebrated Somali artist of the 20th century.


By Abdi Mohamud Saynab Haji Ali Baxsan, a well known, respected and beloved Somali singer, passed...
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Should Somalia forget Egypt’s passivity on the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia?


Egypt; “we understood why Ethiopia intervened militarily against Islamists in Somalia” this is despite the earlier Arab consensus that...
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The demise of the BBC Somali Service


By Osman Hassan I have worked for the BBC Somali Service as a contributor and staff from 1962 to 1977. I still have so much attachment and...
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Warsan Shire; Painting Portraits of Somalis in Exile.


Warsan Shire is a Somali-British writer and poet laureate born in Nairobi but raised in...
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What is the Somali Nationhood Agenda?


By: Sagal B.H. Musa As a non-politically motivated outsider, I would characterize Somali politics as incoherently tribal and short-sighted....
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The Case for Continuity in Administration.


Saadiq Hurre CONTINUITY OF GOVERNANCE IS THE ANSWER TO SOMALIA’S PROBLEMS; In recent history Somalia has been plagued by unnecessary...
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Can Think Tanks, Lobbyists or Senators offer Recognition to Separatists?


The president of the self-declared Somaliland (officially recognized as Northwestern Somalia) has...
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